After visiting South Africa in 2020, two friends from California and Las Vegas embarked on a mission to introduce authentic Mexican cuisine and flavors into the South African food scene. As a lot of African countries regularly consume corn Maze and some sort of meat protein as staples, tacos were a natural fit. Although there have been many attempts at Mexican cuisine in Africa, a lot of them lack the authentic peppers and spices used to create some of Mexico's most iconic dishes. Las Palmas was born and shortly after opening was branded the BEST Mexican restaurant in South Africa with their World famous QuesaBirria as the staple. What was lacking before Las Palmas was the authentic flavors which can only be created by using the right blend of Mexican peppers. Chef Mekbib Kassa bringing his Culinary experience & Hiruy Amanuel bringing his business acumen, they chose to develop a simple menu and Co-found South Africa's first authentic Mexican Taqueria. The first location opened in Durban KZN in Spring 2022 with plans to franchise in 2023.
We are a 100% Halal certified family restaurant. We welcome food lovers of all ages to come enjoy our mouth watering selection of authentic Mexican tacos and cuisine.
14 Palm Boulevard Umhlangha Rocks
Durban, 4320, South Africa